OSTRUŽINA is an artistic association dealing with contemporary movement art and creation. We  often collaborate with people from different disciplines. Our creative processes are motivated by an interest in the active sensory development of individuals, groups and communities.  Interdisciplinarity, openness to innovative approaches, new formats of presentation and an interest in presenting work in non-traditional theatre spaces are all characteristics of OSTRUŽINA z.s. We also consciously focus on working with young audiences.  

BIO and contacts

Barbora Látalová
Initiator and co-founder of Ostružina, Bara works as a dancer, choreographer and teacher. A graduate of the Duncan Center Conservatory who completed an internship at Hunter College at the City University of New York, she has also worked as a dance and movement instructor at the acting faculty of HINT College in Norway. As a performer and creator she has participated in many Czech and international projects. She is a long-time director of the PONEC Theatre Children’s Studio and is involved in the Dance for Schools project. 

president, artistic direction
e-mail: barbora.l@ostruzina.eu  


Zden Brungot Svíteková

co-founder of Ostružina, Zden is a dance artist, performer, creator, collaborator. She graduated from the Faculty of Music and Dance at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, later continuing her studies in France, the USA, and Norway.

Her focus lies in movement research, particularly exploring sensorial and somatic approaches in dance, as well as active spectatorship. Nourished by an insatiable curiosity, profound respect for diverse cultures, and a deep connection to various landscapes, it has been greatly enriched by extended residencies in Europe and the Nordic regions. 

She fosters creative dialogues within interdisciplinary collaborations, spanning performing arts, visual arts, music, and natural as well as human sciences. She has a long-standing fascination with exploring the Earth’s body. This artistic practice under the framework of a long-term research titled Geology of Being (GOB) investigates the intersection of geology and contemporary performance through choreographic practices and score-writing.

She is also interested in the facilitation process and is involved in the practice of upwording, a practice evolutionising thinking through everyday use of language. She collaborates with the Centre for Choreographic Development SE.S.TA, for which she leads projects in the context of creative education and the artistic process of creation.

artistic direction
e-mail: zden.b.s@ostruzina.eu


Lucia Račková
Co-founder of OSTRUŽINA, Lucia works as a producer, lecturer, seamstress and artisan. She graduated from the Department of Aesthetics at the University of Prešov, under the guidance of Prof. Jana Sošková. Since 2015 she has been producing performances for the OSTRUŽINA association. From 2014 to 2017 she worked as a producer for children’s activities in Tanec Praha (Dance Prague festival). In her craft work, she is involved in costume design (collaboration with CreWCollective, Eli and col., Eliška Brtnická) collaborative set design (Studio Hrdinů, Ostružina) and creative design (on her brand, rackova.up).

production, finances
e-mail: lucia.r@ostruzina.eu

cell.: +420 608 893 399  


Romana Packová
Actress, lecturer, yogi, creativity consultant, and a graduate of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, where she majored in acting, during her studies Romana completed a placement at the Theatre Academy in Warsaw. In Banská Bystrica she worked with the children’s theatre, Harry Teater. She taught creative dramatics and dance at DS Altík, where she also did PR. At the Society for Creativity in Education she worked on projects as an artist, creativity consultant, PR person and social media expert. She is currently working on projects with LivePerformanceBazaar,z.s., SPKV, Dance for Schools and Roztoč Association. She has been cooperating with the Ostružina association since 2020.

social media, PR
e-mail: romana.p@ostruzina.eu


Invoicing data:

Registrovaný  Městským soudem v Praze,  oddíl L, vložka 66710
Rybná 716/24, 11000, Praha – Staré Město
IČ: 05432651


OSTRUŽINA z.s. operates with the year-round financial support of The City of Prague and the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic.


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