The forces that move
A two-month residency at the Arctic Culture Lab, Ilulissat, West Greenland.
Residents: Zden Brungot Svíteková and Jana Ryšlavá.
What are we interested in:
* To continue developing Zden’s long-term artistic and creative research, focusing on the Earthly Body – Human Body. This work bridges the science of geology with contemporary choreographic work.
* to explore the phenomena of ice, glaciers and freedom perceived through or as space – Jana’s creative research and inquiry.
Every day we will shared little snapshots of our stay – on instagram and the Ostruzina, Move Ostrava, Zden’d and Jana’s Fb pages.
What We Do
- research and test what are the possibilities for adapting the principles and content of the outdoor format. tektoparty | a walk in and with the landscape to new locations less known to us than the ones we are familiar with from our own landscapes
- conceive a new work with the working title Earth/Me Movement/s Trail, a nature trail format whose stations will focus on selected experiences in geology, eco-somatics and art making as complex layers.
“The ancient trails we retrace and the new trails we create are places in themselves.”
“Travelling features in our individual and family/collective stories and histories which we continue to tell and add to.”
The Meaning of Ice
People and sea ice in three Arctic Communities
Edited by Shari Fox Gearheard, Lene Kielsen Holm, Henry Huntington, Joe Mello Leavitt, Andrew R. Mahoney, Margaret Opie, Toku Oshima, Jolie Sanguya
- witness and observe the life of the place, the mutual relationships present – landscape, glaciers, locals and visitors/tourists, researchers. We are interested in the relationship of the locals to the landscape, what are the anchoring principles and what are the elements transferable to our Central European environment.
- search for answers on how to transfer what we experience and discover here in a way that it is rooted in subjective experience congruent with the physical and psychological space of the place.
About the residency:
Arctic Culture Lab is a multidisciplinary platform for artistic research that reacts to the international vibrancy of the North and unites artists, curators, cross border specialists and geopolitical experts, as well as producers. It is a platform for critical thinking about the increasing artistic interest in the North, consciously focusing on long-term creative art residencies. In today’s hectic times, artists rarely have the means or the will to invest the time needed to become intimately familiar with a place. The residency is also intended to be a challenge to transform both artistic and dramaturgical practice and to develop innovative creative methodologies.
About Ilulissat and its surroundings:
The residency is located in the town of Ilulissat in the west of Greenland, approximately 250 km north of the Arctic Circle. With a population of approximately 5,000, Ilulissat is the third largest city in Greenland after Nuuk and Sisimiut. The city is home to almost as many sled dogs as people.
Close to the city is the Ice Fjord and glacier Sermeq Kujalleq, one of the most interesting glaciers in the world. In 2004, the area of the fjord was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Scientific research has been carried out in the fjord for more than 150 years. The result is unique knowledge about climate change and glacier movements.
Produced by: OSTRUŽINA z.s.
Partner: Move Ostrava
with financial support from:
* Supported using public funding from Slovak Arts Council.
* National Recovery Plan (Ostružina z.s.)
* Ministry of culture of Czech republic (Move Ostrava)