For adults and children from 5 year-olds

Duration 60 mins

6. April, 2025
7. April, 2025
09:00 | 11:00 |
For schools

An interactive dance performance for children (5–120 years) based on the suite The Carnival of the animals by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns. The multimedia production combines movement and dance with video projections, original music and sound, while also playing with light and shade, silence and stillness.

Audience Award, Best Light Design Award Czech Dance Platform 2014

The artists were inspired by the diversity of the animal kingdom. They journeyed underground, into the clouds, dived underwater and got lost in the tall grass. Thanks to the children in the audience that is present on the stage from beginning to end, new creatures come to life every time. Plunge with us into the world of animal imagination!

The performance is followed by a short movement, music and visual arts workshop with the artists. Children explore movement and dance, they learn about the animal kingdom, listen to music, create new sounds and their own music, and engage in reflection based on visual arts.

concept: Barbora Látalová
dramaturgy: Hana Strejčková
musical direction: Pavol Rinowski
created and performed by: Barbora Latálová, Zden Brungot Svíteková, Michaela Suša / Jana Novorytová, Jana Látalová / Inga Zotova Mikshina, Věra Sagulová (version for hearing – impaired)
professional cooperation – version for hearing impaired: Zoja Mikotová
consultation – version for hearing impaired: Klára Herčíková, Michaela Kosiecová, Lucie Štádlerová
production: Lucia Račková
PR and coordination for hearing impaired: Lucie Štádlerová
visual concept: Marianna Stránská
video art: Petr Krušelnický, Jaroslav Hrdlička, Vojtěch Vaněk
light design: Robert Štěpánek
light direction: Robert Štěpánek/Pavel Havrda
sound direction: Petr Krušelnický
technical direction: Robert Štěpánek, Petr Krušelnický
thanks to: Tomeo Vergès, Dana Nekardová, technicians of Ponec Theatre, Kateřina Markovičová, Marie Pešková
producer: OSTRUŽINA z.s.
co Producer: Tanec Praha z.ú. / PONEC – the dance venue

With the support of: City of Prague, MČ Praha 3 / Prague 3 district, Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Život umělce Foundation

partners: French Institute in Prague, Czech Centres, Studio Truhlárna, Lunchmeat, VOSTO5, Strašnické divadlo, Czech Centres
premiered 2013, Ponec—venue for dance
from September 2021 also for hearing impaired